The decision making process often involve problem solving in a given situation.Planning, organizing, leading and coordinating are the key elements in a decision making process. At times decisions are to be taken at very short time,particularly when a crisis arises. In order to have a better understanding the actions shall be taken considering the following elements. There should be an organized approach to solve a problem and take appropriate decision. It must be noted that all problems cannot be solved at a time and some problem remain unsolved also .In order to make correct decisions it is necessary to understand and analyze the pros and cons .
· Define the problem
· Look at potential causes for the problem
· Identify alternatives for approaches to resolve the problem
· Select an approach to resolve the problem
· Plan the implementation of the best alternative/Action Plan
· Monitor implementation of the plan
· Verify if the problem has been resolved or not
In defining a problem it is necessary to know When, where, how, when and by whom the problem happened. Based on this information further actions shall be initiated.It is very important to note that the actions initiated may affect certain people who might have made certain mistakes unknowingly. Hence strict confidentiality should be maintained and the team involved in the decision making process must be very loyal to the company and preferably from the top management.
nice article.
what is ur view about my blog,
very nice approach to problem solving. Its very important to identify a problem and then approach it systematically.
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